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SWPlan Reports, Tables and Pie/Bar Charts
Overview Report
- Municipal Solid Waste Overview
Waste Composition Report
- Municipal Solid Waste Composition
(% & tonnage) - pie chart
- Source of Waste (not including
recycled material) - pie chart
Collection Report
- Municipal Solid Waste Collection
Summary - sub-report
- Waste Collection - table
- Residential Waste Collection - pie
- Residential and Commercial
Collection Cost - bar chart
- Residential and Commercial
Collection Cost per Ton - bar chart
- Recyclables & Yard Waste
Collection (collection type, tons, cost & cost/ton) - table
- Recyclables & Yard Waste
Collection (collection type, tons & %) - pie chart
- Recyclables & Yard Waste
Collection (collection type& $) - bar chart
- Recyclables & Yard Waste
Collection (cost/ton) - bar chart
- Waste Transportation (direct haul
/ transfer station) - pie chart
Recycling Report
- Recycling Tonnages (tons & %)
- pie chart
- Recyclables Summary - Table 1 of 2
(commodity, tons generated, % source reduction, tons source reduction, tons available, %
recovered and tons recovered)
- Recyclables Summary - Table 2 of
2) (commodity, % rejects, tons rejects, tons processed and tons finished product)
- Recyclables & Yard Waste
Collection (collection type, tons and %) - pie chart
- Recyclables & Yard Waste
Collection Cost - bar chart
- Recyclables & Yard Waste Cost
per Ton - bar chart
- Recyclables Collection - Table 1
of 2 (commodity, tons residential curbside, cost residential curbside, tons commercial
on-site and totals)
- Recyclables Collection - Table 2
of 2 (commodity, tons drop-off center, cost drop-off center, total collection costs,
collection cost/ton and totals)
- Recyclables Rejects (commodity,
ton rejects, destination, distances, transportation cost, transportation cost/ton and
totals) - table
- Recyclables Net Revenue - Markets
(commodity, $ and %) - pie chart
- Recycables End Markets (commodity,
tons, gross revenue, gross revenue/ton, miles to market, transportation cost, net revenue,
net revenue/ton and totals) - table
- Commodities Available and Recycled
(separate bar chart for each commodity)
Cost Report
- Cost per Ton by Management Method
- bar chart
- Tonnages by Management Method -
Table 1 of 2 (mgmt. method, tons collected, % rejects, tons rejected, reject destination)
- Tonnages by Management Method -
Table 2 of 2 (mgmt. method, reject distances, reject transportation cost, tons rejects
rec'd., net tons processed and tons of finished product)
- Net Tons Processed - bar chart
- Landfill Tonnages - bar chart
- Yard Waste Composting Tonnages -
bar chart
- Recycling Facility Tonnages - bar
- Incineration Tonnages - bar chart
- Ash Landfill Tonnages - bar chart
- Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
Composting Tonnages - bar chart
- Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) Tonnages
- bar chart
- Transfer Station Tonnages - bar
- Captial & Operating Cost -
Table 1 of 2 (mgmt. method, total facility cost, annual debt service cost, annual
operation cost, transportation cost (product & rejects))
- Captial & Operating Cost -
Table 2 of 2 (mgmt. method, gross cost, revenue, net cost and net cost per ton)
- Total Facility Cost (Management
Method) - bar chart
- Annual Debt Service Cost
(Management Method) - bar chart
- Annual Operation & Maintenance
Cost (Management Method) - bar chart
- Landfill Cost & Revenue - bar
- Yard Waste Composting Cost &
Revenue - bar chart
- Recycling Facility Cost &
Revenue - bar chart
- Incineration & Ash Disposal
Cost & Revenue - bar chart
- Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
Composting Cost & Revenue - bar chart
- Refuse-Derive Fuel (RDF) Cost
& Revenue - bar chart
- Transfer Station Cost &
Revenue - bar chart
- Tipping and Other Fees - bar chart
- Tipping Fee per Ton - bar chart
- Total Tipping Fee - bar chart
- Other Fee per Ton - bar chart
- Total Other Fees - bar chart
- Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
Composting Revenues - Table 1 of 2 (end markets, total, tons, gross revenue, gross
- Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
Composting Revenues - Table 2 of 2 (end markets, total, miles to markets, transportation
cost, net revenue, net revenue/ton)
- Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) Revenues
- Table 1 of 2 (end markets, total, tons, gross revenue, gross revenue/ton)
- Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) Revenues
- Table 2 of 2 (end markets, total, miles to markets, transportation cost, net revenue,
net revenue/ton)
- Incineration Costs (tons burned, %
ash, tons ash, miles to ash landfill, ash transportation cost, ash disposal cost, revenues
from electricity and steam sales, incineration costs, cost w/ ash disposal and net costs)
- sub-report