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PoSPoP: Point
of Sale -
Point of Purchase Recycling System
- The Scrap Metal and Recycling Industries are unique undertakings,
requiring tailor-made software. Our suite of application programs have been developed to
cater for the Industrys specific needs and yet to include all of the controls and
functions of a general accounting package, up to and including the Cash Book.
- PoSPoP Platinum
Live Data Capture System consists of complete modules for Purchasing,
Selling, Debtors, Creditors, Stock, Prices, Management & Statistical Reports, mailing
label facility plus batch processing for the entire foregoing.
PoSPoP Platinum is a fully multi-user software suite that
operates under a variety of LAN systems with the extra functionality of more statistical
reports (e.g. purchases/sales by category of seller/buyer by product). A unique search and
grab function allows the user to display any debtors, creditors or product account code or
name/description. Sequence and completeness of delivery notes are controlled.
PoSPoP Platinum provides an accounting capability for containers,
drums or bags taken by creditors either on free-loan or on deposit basis. The suite is
able to flexibly change the prices at time of data capture and these will be reflected on
a subsequent report. Multiple users are separately cashed up at the end of each
users shift.
Additional options to the PoSPoP Platinum:
- An stratight-forward cash book system or a sophisticated
cash book module providing Profit & Loss/Budgets/Variances Reports.
- Manual scale interface.
- Waste bin/skip tracking and accounting module.
- A Profit & Loss/General Ledger system is being developed.
- ACCESS: Access is controlled by a site specific multi-level combination of User-code and
Password, permitting or restricting each operators access to each function.
INPUT - Master Files: Firstly one sets up the
buyers (Debtors), sellers (Creditors) and Product master files. The system holds the
latest five prices of each product (eg, metal) for each buyer and the latest five prices
for each product for each seller. It caters for any regular or casual seller and for any
regular or casual buyer of any product.
INPUT - Data: There
is a LIVE on-line, real-time data capture capability which updates all files immediately
and a BATCH processing data capture capability which stores purchases and sales for later
maintenance of either product code, mass and/or price, before updating. Both have all the
following processes and functions.
A purchase (P) or a sale (S) can be input which both update all
appropriate files, or integrated (I), transfer or delivery of stock which requests a
Creditor and a Debtor. This caters for direct deliveries by an Agent. The later type of
transaction updates all appropriate files except the Stock record.
From the one screen one can input purchase or sale details for cash,
cheque or account. In the case of an entry on account the transaction is taken to the
Debtor or Creditors Account. In the case of an entry for cash or cheque both the debit and
the payment are posted to the Debtors or Creditors Account.
Upon inputting a product code the last price of that product for the
respective customer is retrieved. This price can be over-ruled for this one transaction
only or stored.
The system adds Tax for sales, and allows for zero rating. The system
adds Tax for all purchases from registered vendors. The system calculates and stores (but
does not add) Tax to purchases from non-registered vendors, and allows for zero rating.
A non-stock code in the range 90019999 is allowed in order to
add any quantity of free format lines to any document. This permits the entry of
additional charges (for instance transport, etc), or for any number of comment lines (ie,
delivery details) in respect of each transaction detail line.
OUTPUT - Prime documents: The correct document is printed, ie, Purchase Note, Credit Return, Tax Invoice,
Credit Note, Cash Goods Received, Cash Purchase Note. Single or multi-part, pre-printed or
plain stationery can be utilised.
OUTPUT - Daily reports: At the end of the day a Register of Second-hand Goods is produced for each
operators user code, showing full details of every transaction which took place that day,
and whether the transaction was entered as a cheque, cash or account, including the time
that the transaction took place. Also produced is a Daily Product Summary, showing the
totals of all products bought and sold that day with average cost and average realised
prices, and a Daily Cash-up reconciling the total of the days purchases and the
total of the days sales analysed over cash, cheque and account transactions.
Debtors module provides for, posting of payments, printing a Detailed Audit Trail,
printing a Control Account, printing Age Analysis (Current, 30, 60, 90 &
120 days), printing Statements, a month-end procedure and a year-end procedure.
The Creditors module provides for, printing a Detailed Audit Trail,
printing a Control Account, printing Age analysis (Current, 30, 60, 90 &
120 days), payment of Automatic Cheque or Cash Creditors, and the payment of selected
Cheque or Cash Creditors, which can be all items, or only selected items. It also allows
for the printing of cheque lists, cash lists, cheques, cash requirements and Remittance
Advices. In addition, Month-end procedures, and Year-end procedures are included.
TAX: The
current Tax reconciliation account can be printed at any time to show; any Tax liability
brought forward from any previous Tax period. The Sales for this period where Tax was
charged, and the Sales for this period where the transactions were zero rated. The
Purchases from registered vendors with the Tax actually paid out, the Purchases from
non-registered vendors with the calculated or deemed Tax where no Tax has in fact been
paid, and the Purchases for this period where the transactions were zero rated. Also shown
is the Tax on other purchases, ie, tyres, stationery etc, and payments to or receipts from
the Receiver of Revenue, thus giving the total Tax liability (or credit) at any time.
MASTER FILE OUTPUT: Debtors (Buyers) Master file list, Creditors (Sellers) Master File list, Product
Master list, price list per Product by Buyer, price list per Product by Seller.
STATISTICAL REPORTS: The following six reports show mass/value this month-to-date and mass/value this
- Purchases by Product.
- Purchases by Seller by Product.
- Purchases by Category of Seller by Product.
- Sales by Product.
- Sales by Buyer by Product.
- Sales by Category of Buyer by Product.
HISTORY REPORTS: A report can be printed of Purchase transactions for any period of time, (ie,
from any date to any subsequent date), for any particular Creditor, analysed by product
with sub-totals. This shows Invoice number, Delivery note number, date, mass, price, unit
value and Tax. An identical report is available for Sales.
STOCK: A stock
report is available of stock-on-hand showing mass, value, average cost and positive and
negative adjustments. Stock adjustments are permitted. Stock can be given a unique sort
code. Statistical reports can be optionally printed in sort code order, then in which case
sub-totals are given upon the change of the first two digits of the sort code.
UTILITIES & GENERAL: All input is validated at time of entry thus eliminating data capture errors of
commission. One can View direct on the screen any transaction for any Buyer or Seller at
any time. Company name and address can be changed by the user. The Tax percentage can be
changed by the user.
for any number of Bank Accounts and/or Petty cash accounts. Allows for any number of
Expenditure and Income Analysis codes. Provides a printed Cash Book for each Bank Account.
Provides a printed Petty Cash Account. Prints Income and Expenditure Analysis. Allows for
an automatic Bank Reconciliation. Provides for a month-end process. Prints a profit or
loss statement with budgets for each line item and variances for both this month and this
- The program is both a real-time and/or batch processing system to perform
data-capture of purchases, sales and agents transactions in a multi-user environment in
respect of both casual and regular clients. In addition office control and management
statistical requirements are fully catered for.
- The programs also cater for data-capture at the weighbridge including
- It operates in either a DOS or Windows environment.
- In conclusion it is a Point-of-Sale/Point-of-Purchase application program
for the recycling industry.
(Windows is a registered trademark of
Microsoft Corporation)
Key Benefits
- Fully Multi-user throughout
- In colour throughout
- Government VAT compliant
- Year 2K compliant
Go to pricing information and detailed descriptions of PoSPoP models.
Description |
Price |
Basic Program (Dos) |
$614 |
PoSPoP Platinum (Dos w/ all Modules) |
$2614 |