The text MEDICAL WASTE DISPOSAL (ISBN 0-96217741-5, 612 pages, hardbound) has recently been published by INCINERATOR CONSULTANTS INCORPORATED. It is a sourcebook for all aspects of medical waste handling, treatment and disposal. This book defines medical waste, describes the potential dangers associated with it, and presents methods for its treatment and disposal including autoclave treatment, radiation and other thermal and non-thermal processes. Incineration technologies are included in the text, as well as a chapter on crematories. Current regulations are reproduced, as well as detailed information, including telephone numbers, of disposal system providers, contract disposal firms, and others in the field. Information on risk analysis, including sample calculations of health risk, and detailed incinerator emissions data. Issues relating to public attitudes about medical waste are included. Two computer programs on a disk included with the book provide critical system parameters for a single-chamber incinerator including evaluation of starved air/excess air processes. The text has metric and American units for all references and calculations. TABLE OF CONTENTS - MEDICAL WASTE DISPOSAL 1. Introduction
Key Benefits
PricingMedical Waste Disposal, (Incinerator Consultants Incorporated, 1996). ISBN 0-9621-7741-5. $150.00 from Recycling Insights(tm)I. Hardcover text plus single chamber starved/excess air incinerator computer program on included disk.
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