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This new book, published by INCINERATOR CONSULTANTS INCORPORATED (ISBN 0-96217740-7, 530 pages, hardbound) is an update of Mr. Brunner’s previous incineration systems texts. It is a comprehensive handbook which integrates information on equipment, operating procedures, system calculations and regulatory standards for both the technical and non-technical reader. The book includes a disk with computer programs which develop waste disposal characteristics for a single chamber incinerator. These programs, one in American and one in metric units, accept waste feed rate and heat content, and develop chamber temperature for a particular excess air value, provide required air flow and calculates flue gas constituents, oxygen fraction, and other parameters. The latest USEPA municipal solid waste and sewage sludge incinerator regulations are also included in this text.



1. Introduction
2. Regulatory Requirements
3. Hazardous Waste
4. Basic Thermodynamics
5. Heat Transfer Systems
6. Combustion Calculations
7. Air Emissions Calculations
8. Waste Characteristics
9. Incinerator Analysis Design Example
10. On-Site Solid Waste Disposal
11. Pyrolysis & Controlled Air Incineration
12. Rotary Kiln Technology
13. Operation and Performance
14. Biomedical Waste Incineration
15. Sludge Incineration
16. Liquid Waste Destruction
17. Incineration of Gaseous Waste
18. Incineration of Radioactive Waste
19. Soils Incineration
20. Miscellaneous Waste Destruction Processes
21. Energy Recovery
22. Air Pollution Control
23. Acid Gas Control
24. Comprehensive Design Example
25. Metric Analysis
26. USEPA Solid Waste Combustor Regulations
27. USEPA Sewage Sludge Incineration Regs
28. Computer Analysis

The Author

Calvin R. Brunner, P.E., DEE, is President of ICI, with over 25 years experience in the design and operation of all types of incineration systems. A registered, graduate mechanical engineer, he has written these and ten other textbooks on incineration technology as well as dozens of technical articles on the subject. Mr. Brunner presents seminars and other lectures on waste disposal in the United States and overseas for technical and non-technical audiences. He is available for consulting assignments, seminar presentations and other activities in the areas of waste treatment and disposal.

C. Brunner/ICI - 11204 Longwood Grove Drive - Reston, VA 20194-1302

Phone: 703/437-1790, FAX: 703/437-9048, E-mail:


Key Benefits

  • The information save countless hours of effort in accurately determining design and operating features of a scrubber, waste heatrecovery system, and afterburner, as well as an incinerator.
  • Available for generic incinerator systems, fluid bed, rotary kiln and medical waste incinerators
  • American and metric units


Incineration Systems Handbook, (Incinerator Consultants Incorporated, 1996). ISBN 0-9621-7740-7, $150.00 from Recycling Insights(tm). Hardcover text plus single chamber incinerator computer program on included disk.

Description Price
Incineration Systems Handbook w/ software $150


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