FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Recycling Insights Announces Release of SWPlan 2.11Signs Three Marketing Agreements, Improves Recycling Insights Discussion Group / Forum, and Registers 11,000 Web Site VisitsMay 28, 1997 - Shakopee, Minnesota -- Recycling Insights announces the release of SWPlan version 2.11: Solid Waste Management Planning Software for Windowsâ . Now the standard for solid waste management planning software can print in COLOR. Other new features include expanded parameters for recyclables, where there is now no limitations on percentages. This means that you can use any percentage % between 0-100. This allows the ability of detailed analysis of specific groupings of recyclables beyond "normal" waste compositions. Example: you may want to evaluate only papers... where paper will constitute 100% of a particular waste stream. Another improvement is the changes in the Job Information area where you can now zero out the population or employees... This is helpful when you are evaluating just a residential area or a business separately. Recycling Insights has recently signed Marketing / Distribution Agreements with Environmental Research Associates, Inc. (Havertown, PA USA), EnviroSoft: Environemntal & Related Software Distribution Centre (Betty's Bay, SOUTH AFRICA) and Chris Kwan Associates (Sandakan, MALAYSIA). Under the Marketing Agreements the firms will provide distribution, value-added services and training for Recycling Insights products. The Recycling Insights Forum has recently been improved. The Recycling Insights Forum Posting Service is now using a Digest format where posted messages from the Recycling Insights Forum are collected and sent via E-mail to Subscribers in the morning. This speeds up the Forum processing time and provides Subscribers with a concise single E-mail message of all postings. Other improvements include a preview function for posting messages and a search function which has boolean and sensitivity operations to locate Forum messages. To subscribe to the Recycling Insights Forum Posting Service go to either "http://www.recycling-insights.com/wwwboard/riforum.html" or "http://www.recycling-insights.com/newsltr.html", locate the Recycling Insights Forum Posting Service form and check subscribe or unsubscribe and insert your E-mail address. In other news, the Recycling Insights™ web site, http://recycling-insights.com registered its 11,000th visitor on May 20th. ///End of Release/// For More Information Contact: |
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