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The Business Recycling Cost Model is:

  • designed to evaluate solid waste management (garbage and recyclables) options for individual businesses.
  • easy to use - provides results with a minimum of plug-in-the-blank effort.
  • flexible - the cost model can project the amount of waste diverted and the net cost or savings of;
  • new or expanded recycling programs.
  • waste prevention or reduction activities.
  • using recycled materials in a manufacturing process.
  • changes in garbage handling practices (such as the use of compactors).


The Business Recycling Cost Model is now available as a package that includes:

  • the Business Recycling Cost Model,
  • an E-Z version of the model,
  • a comprehensive manual,
  • case studies demonstrating the model’s use,
  • an hour of technical assistance (U.S. customers only), and
  • other helpful information and forms.

The Business Recycling Cost Model is provided on 3.5" disks. Special arrangements must be made for other disk sizes or Macintosh versions. Technical assistance is provided by phone. Other services may be available at an additional cost.

The Business Recycling Cost Model requires the following to operate:

  • Microsoft® Excel 5.0 (or newer),
  • an IBM-compatible PC (but Macintosh versions available through electronic transfer), and
  • a minimum of a 386 computer with 4 MB of RAM is recommended.

* as with all software, each copy of the Business Recycling Cost Model is for use on only one computer.

Note: The Business Recycling Cost Model is offered as a planning tool to test different options and approaches for recycling and waste reduction. It is not intended to replace the need for a more detailed financial analysis prior to investing significantly in a new activity.


Key Benefits

  • an E-Z version of the model,
  • a comprehensive manual,
  • case studies demonstrating the model’s use,
  • an hour of technical assistance (U.S. customers only), and
  • other helpful information and forms.


Go to Mulit-License pricing information.

Description Price
Business Recycling Cost Model (Excel Template) w/ Manual $99


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Last modified: 07/11/2011